Thakur Sri Sri Balak Brahmachari
More than 500 years ago during 1486-1533, Shree Chaitanya, popularly known as Gaurango Mahaprabhu had started a spiritual revolution in India through his "sankirtana" bhakti movement (congregational chanting of the holy names of god). Lord Chaitanya preached the message of love and devotion and gave the holy Nama "Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna, Krishna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama, Rama, Hare, Hare". When adopting "sannyasa" (complete renunciation of family life and material obligations for spiritual upliftment) Shree Chaitanya assured his grief-stricken maternal uncle Shree Bishnu Das Thakur that He would be re-born as His nephew in the 13th generation of maternal uncle’s lineage. The great saint Shree Shree Lokenath Brahmachari of Barodi (in Dacca) (who lived during 1730-1890) had given his close disciple Shree Ashwini Chatterjee a mantra that was half and incomplete and told him that he would meet a supreme power fifty years from then who would give him (Ashwini) his rest half mantra to complete his Sadhana. This prophecy was made sometime in 1881 even before Shree Shree Thakur’s parents were born. Mahayogi Shree Shree Trailanga Swami (1601-1881) was a great saint and was virtually worshipped as a god by local people. He also made the same prophecy to Ashwini Chatterjee that he would meet a Purna Brahman (Supreme being) in about 50 years time.
All the words of the above mentioned great saints and the assurance of Shree Gaurango Mahaprabhu to His maternal uncle find fulfillment in the birth of Shree Shree Thakur Balak Brahmachari. His birth in the open courtyard without inducing any labour pain to mother Charushila was really strange. His mother Smt. Charushila Devi delivered the child without any labour pain. She was in the process of walking to the family temple at Medinimondal, Vikrampur, Dacca to celebrate Kalipuja Day, also called Diwali. To her utter dismay, she found a beautiful baby lying on the mother earth with widely open eyes. His little body was spotlessly clean as if freshly bathed. Shree Shree Thakur's life has been full of miraculous events. But He never gave any importance to such events. He said, "If I show miracles to all the people of Bengal, rest of India will still have their doubts. If I convince the people of India with my miracles, people of China or America will say they do not believe it. So it is no use trying to convince people with stories of my miracles. My tattwas (truths) are my miracles. Spread my teachings to all rather than dwell upon my miracles."
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